If you find a better way to do this, please let me know!
Code on Github
1) Concatenating a List into a String
public static String matrixparamtest(PathSegment id){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("matrix="); sb.append("/" + id.getPath()); Mapmatrix = id.getMatrixParameters(); Set keys = matrix.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { sb.append(";" + key.toString() + "=" + matrix.get(key.toString())); } return sb.toString(); }
My Java 8 Equivalent:
public static String matrixparamtestlambda(PathSegment id){ Mapmatrix = id.getMatrixParameters(); String keys = matrix.keySet().stream() .map(k -> k + "=" + matrix.get(k)) .collect(Collectors.joining(";", ";", "")); return "matrix=/" + id.getPath() + keys; }
What's going on here?
Take the Stream from the keys: matrix.keySet().stream()
Map to a Stream with format "param=val": map(k -> k + "=" + matrix.get(k)
Join the stream into a big string starting with ";" and separated by ";": collect(Collectors.joining(";", ";", ""))
2) Mapping not null elements from a List
public static Map mapElements(){ final Mapmap = new HashMap (); for (final Element element : values()) { final String name = element.getLocalName(); if (name != null) map.put(name, element); } return map; }
My Java 8 Equivalent:
public static Map mapElementsLambda(){ return values().stream() .filter(e -> e.getLocalName() != null) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Element::getLocalName, e -> e)); }
What's going on here?
Taking the stream object from values: values().stream()
Filtering them to avoid null values: filter(e -> e.getLocalName() != null)
Collecting a map using as the key the localName attribute and as value the element itself: collect(Collectors.toMap(Element::getLocalName, e -> e));
3) Transforming a Map
public static Map filterLoadedValues(Mapin) { Map out = new HashMap<>(); for (Iterator iterator = in.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next(); out.put(entry.getKey().toString(), Float.valueOf(entry.getValue().toString())); } return out; }
My Java 8 Equivalent:
public static Map filterLoadedValuesLambda(Mapin) { return in.entrySet().stream().collect( Collectors.toMap( e -> e.getKey().toString(), e -> Float.valueOf(e.getValue().toString()) )); }
What's going on here?
- We are taking a Stream of the entries of the map: in.entrySet().stream()
- Collecting the entries: collect
- Generating a new one a transforming the value from String to Float: Collectors.toMap( e -> e.getKey().toString(),e -> Float.valueOf(e.getValue().toString()) ;
4) Summing
public static float getTotalPrice() { float totalPrice = 0; if (lineItems != null) { for (LineItem item : lineItems) { if (item.getPrice() != null) totalPrice += item.getPrice(); } } return totalPrice; }
My Java 8 Equivalent:
public static double getTotalPriceLambda() { return lineItems.stream().mapToDouble(LineItem::getPrice).filter(Objects::nonNull).sum(); }
What's going on here?
- Map the stream to a DoubleStream: mapToDouble(LineItem::getPrice)
- Filter the Stream and remove possible null values: filter(Object::nonNull)
- Sum all the elements: sum();
Java 8 brings lots of advantages to programming when dealing with lists. As you can see, I took code from "real world" and not sample applications to demonstrate Lambda. It shows that Lambda brings productivity to our daily code.
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