A few months ago we published here the post Detecting Objects using JavaFX and Deep Learning. Recently it was added to Eclipse DeepLearning4J a new model: Yolo2, which is based on YoloV2.
It is already available in maven central on DL4J 1.0.0-beta version. Using the application from our older post we just modified two lines of Java code (see the commit) to use YOLOv2 from the JavaFX application we built earlier. The result is a more precise detector with more classes!
If you want to try it just follow the instruction from my previous post. I hope next time I can test YOLOv3, which is the state-of-the-art deep learning model for object detection!
Deep Learning in Java is possible and easy to use due DL4J developers hard work, so thank you guys, you are amazing.
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